Do you give money to your church? Do you get a tax benefit from those donations? How about your donations to other charities?

Recent changes in the tax code have done much to destroy your benefits from church and other tax-deductible 501(c)(3) donations. But there’s a way to donate the way you want and realize the tax benefits you deserve.

This tool is the donor-advised fund, an increasingly popular way to donate to 501(c)(3) organizations. Indeed, donor-advised funds have exploded over the past few years, with over one million donor-advised fund accounts in existence as of 2020.



You donate $100,000 to the fund today. You get the $100,000 deduction now. From the fund, you donate $10,000 a year to your church (probably more as your money in the fund grows tax-free).

National investment firms such as Fidelity, Schwab, and Vanguard have all created donor-advised funds. These “commercial” donor-advised funds hire an affiliated for-profit investment firm to manage the assets in the accounts for a fee that varies based on the account balance.

You can also establish a donor-advised fund account with a community foundation that has a local orientation; a single-issue non-profit, such as a university or an environmental charity like the Sierra Club; or an independent, non-commercial organization such as the American Endowment Foundation, National Philanthropic Trust, or United Charitable.


What can be donated?

You can donate cash to your donor-advised fund account. But many donor-advised funds also accept non-cash donations, including:

    • stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares,
    • real estate,
    • privately owned company stock,
    • LLC and limited partnership interests,
    • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency
    • life insurance

Double-Tax Benefit

Donating stock or mutual fund shares that have appreciated is a great tax strategy. Here’s why:

    • If you owned the stock for more than one year, you get a deduction equal to its fair market value at the time of the donation.
    • And you don’t pay any capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock.


Darius owns 1,000 shares of Evergreen stock that’s publicly traded on NASDAQ. He paid $10,000 for the stock back in 2010, and the shares are worth $100,000 today.

He establishes a donor-advised fund in 2022 and donates the stock.

    • He gets a $100,000 charitable deduction for 2022.
    • He pays no federal tax on his $90,000 gain.

As you can see, there are many benefits to donor-advised funds for the charitably inclined, and few drawbacks.



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