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How long should you keep your important documents?
As your paper and electronic documents begin to get overwhelming, you may wonder when you can destroy these items and what you should keep. It is critical to keep some documents while others can be destroyed after just a few years. Generally, you should retain all...
Preparing for Tax Season 2022
The IRS announced that the starting date for when it would accept and process 2021 tax-year returns was Monday, January 24, 2022. Tips for making filing easier To speed refunds and help with tax filing, the IRS suggests the following: Make sure you have...
Maximize Tax Benefits of Charitable Donations
There are many ways to give to charity. You can make gifts during your lifetime or at your death. You can make gifts outright or use a trust. You can name a charity as a beneficiary in your will, or designate a charity as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life...
Year-End Tax Planning for Individuals
As we wrap up 2021, it’s important to take a closer look at your tax plans. This year likely brought challenges and disruptions that significantly impacted your personal and financial situation –– a continued global pandemic, several significant natural disasters, new...
Tax Planning for Small Businesses
As we wrap up 2021, it’s important to take a closer look at your tax and business plans. This year likely brought challenges and disruptions that significantly impacted your personal and financial situations –– a continued global pandemic, several significant natural...
Georgia Businesses may benefit from SALT deduction work-around
In 2021, Georgia joined several other states to introduce legislation known as the "SALT deduction work-around". The SALT deduction refers to the $10,000 cap on personal State and Local Tax deduction limitation applied at the individual level. This deduction was...